Friday, September 9, 2011

Clinical Review of Psoriasis

Like any other disease, has a number of general character and some particular aspects of each patient, "There is disease, there are sick." Elementary lesions typical is plaque: well demarcated, round-oval, of varying sizes, red (erythematous), covered with scales ("shells"), pearl white, easily removable. Motherboard is located generally on the extension areas (elbows, knees, lomboscascrat). However, to describe a wide variety of skin lesions of psoriasis, there are practically no two patients with psoriasis lesions showing identical.Can be classified in exudative psoriasis and psoriasis (erythrodermic, pustular, arthropathy). In addition,can be classified as: The size and shape of lesions, Region-affected predominantly palmar-plantar psoriasis, nail psoriasis, psoriasis of the scalp (hairy skin of the head), inverted psoriasis (affecting the body folds). For the assessment of psoriasis severity index to use different methods of which may be mentioned: the index of PASI, effects on quality of life (questionnaires), caused by psoriasis, incapacity, etc.. Although psoriasis has certain preferential sites (elbow, knee, lumbar, scalp), there are some patients with psoriasis lesions and in other areas of the body, with special features determined by regions: palmar-plantar, facial, mucous membranes, nails, etc. . There are some patients with psoriasis lesions only in the palms, or nail plants without plaque psoriasis in areas considered to be characteristic of psoriasis. The existence of localized lesions of psoriasis with "private" (hands, nails, etc.) in addition to therapeutic issues raised, lead to the development of differential diagnoses of these special locations. Within the pages of this site you will find a particular localization of presentation, differential diagnosis and topography of these specific treatments tailored to each affected area."The complexity of the psychological ramifications, social and cultural aspects of psoriasis is impressive if not frightening, "said Iona Ginsburg in the article "Psychological and psycho-physiological Aspects of psoriasis" published in 1995 in the specialist journal Dermatology Clinics. The association between psoriasis and psychological factors is known for many years and numerous studies have shown links between stressful events of life and clinical disease onset or manifestation. In patients with psoriasis meets a high level of anxiety and depression and reported association between depression and anxiety awareness of the disease, care. On the other hand, depression was associated with suicidal ideation evidenced in patients with psoriasis. The specialty items was highlighted that psoriasis patients have a decrease in physical and mental functions comparable to those seen in cancer, arthritis, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and depression.

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