Friday, September 9, 2011

Psoriasis - A dermatologist's perspective

Dermatologists have suggested many methods to ease the symptoms of scalp psoriasis. Sufferers of psoriasis would be advised to try some of these methods in order to better control their condition.
Those who suffer from psoriasis eventually need to recognize the triggers that spark a flare-up. These can be personal circumstances. A number of individuals may suffer worse from stress and dry cold weather. Others can be worse due to infections, medications and injuries to the skin. Those who indulge in excessive alcohol consumption and smoking may also notice increased aggravation. There are circumstances where you just cannot avoid an event that will trigger psoriasis. A stressful situation you can't manage comes to mind. But, it would be prudent to identify your personal triggers and manage them to the best of your ability.
It goes without saying a healthy diet will go a long way to easing the symptoms of scalp psoriasis. It has been observed in the course of psoriasis treatment that patients on weight-loss diets exhibit progress with their lesions. Green vegetables, fruits and carrots will give marked results in a few of weeks. These foods are rich in antioxidants and energize the immune system. Foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids also demonstrate great outcomes in the healing of psoriasis. Stay hydrated and attempt to keep to a regular sleep pattern. Simply by following these tips will give you fantastic results.
We all know smoking is detrimental to your health. It is also harsh for psoriasis. It has been detected that giving up smoking can, in some cases, clear up pustular psoriasis. Acute cases of psoriasis have been associated with smoking in some studies. Nicotine patches are not advisable if you want to quit smoking. They have been known to aggravate psoriasis.
Some quick and simple treatments suggested by dermatologists that can help ease the itching connected with this disease. Some of these are:
1. Use a cold compress to ameliorate inflammation.
2. Stress reduction. This can be accomplished in an assortment of ways. Exercise, support groups, meditation and counseling can be effective.
3. Calendula gel or prescribed topical medications can help ease the itching associated with psoriasis.
4. Moderate or eliminate your alcohol usage. Alcohol, especially beer, is known as a psoriasis trigger. It is also a natural antidote to many medications, both allopathic drugs and herbal treatments.
5. Try not to abrasive clothing. Cotton is the best fabric to dress in because it should minimize the irritation.
6. Try to keep a journal of your flare-ups. This will help you identify your particular triggers. Often it can take 1-2 weeks for eruptions to appear after they have been triggered. This is why a journal can be very helpful.
7. Use moisturizers to prevent cracks and excessive dryness. What is especially successful is placing three drops of calendula tincture into your favorite moisturizer. Using moisturizers after bathing with Epsom salt is also helpful.
Some other helpful tips to attain relief are to avoid scratching, soak in warm water using fragrance free soaps (there are soaps available explicitly for psoriasis), pat yourself dry after bathing, and continue to use emollients and moisturizers. All of these tips will aid you to control scalp psoriasis flare-ups and ease your discomfort.       

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